ETF Facts as of 8/31/2024

  • Ticker LSGR
  • Class Inception 6/29/2023
  • CUSIP 63875W406
  • Gross Expense Ratio1 3.97%
  • Net Expense Ratio1 0.59%
  • Net Asset Value 34.06

Our Performance data shown represents past performance and is no guarantee of, and not necessarily indicative of, future results. Investment return and value will vary and you may have a gain or loss when shares are sold. Current performance may be lower or higher than quoted. For most recent month-end performance, please see the following tab labeled “Performance”.

How is this ETF different?
This ETF is different from traditional ETFs – traditional ETFs tell the public what assets they hold each day; this ETF will not. 
This may create additional risks. For example, since this ETF provides less information to traders, they may charge you more money to trade this ETF’s shares. Also, the price you pay to buy or sell ETF shares on an exchange may not match the value of the ETF’s portfolio. These risks may be even greater in bad or uncertain markets. See the ETF prospectus for more information.

The Natixis Loomis Sayles Focused Growth ETF seeks to produce long-term growth of capital.

  • Primary Benchmark
    Russell 1000® Growth Index
  • Portfolio Management
    Aziz V. Hamzaogullari, CFA
  • Total Fund Assets
    $244.2 million (as of 8/31/2024)

Strategy Highlights
  • Takes a long-term private equity-oriented approach by partnering with management who think and act like owners
  • Seeks to invest in high-quality businesses with sustainable competitive advantages and profitable growth when they trade at a significant discount to intrinsic value
  • Risk is defined as a permanent loss of capital, not tracking error or short-term relative underperformance

Investment Strategy
  • The fund will invest primarily in equity securities, including common stocks, convertible securities and warrants
  • High-conviction portfolio of typically 20 to 30 stocks
  • Employs a growth style of equity management that emphasizes companies with sustainable competitive advantages, secular long-term cash flow growth returns on invested capital above their cost of capital and the ability to manage for profitable growth that can create long-term value for shareholders
  • Will consider selling a portfolio investment when the portfolio manager believes an unfavorable structural change occurs within a given business or the markets in which it operates, a critical underlying investment assumption is flawed, when a more attractive reward-to-risk opportunity becomes available, when the current price fully reflects intrinsic value, or for other investment reasons which the portfolio manager deems appropriate
  • Aims to invest in companies when they trade at a significant discount to our estimate of intrinsic value

About Risk

The fund is new with a limited operating history.

  • General Risk: Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) trade like stocks, are subject to investment risk, and will fluctuate in market value. Unlike mutual funds, ETF shares are not individually redeemable directly with the Fund, and are bought and sold on the secondary market at market price, which may be higher or lower than the ETF’s net asset value (NAV). Transactions in shares of ETFs will result in brokerage commissions, which will reduce returns.
  • Active ETF: Unlike typical exchange-traded funds, there are no indexes that the Fund attempts to track or replicate. Thus, the ability of the Fund to achieve its objectives will depend on the effectiveness of the portfolio manager. There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing.
  • Equity Securities Risk: Equity securities are volatile and can decline significantly in response to broad market and economic conditions.
  • Growth Stocks Risk: Growth stocks may be more sensitive to market conditions than other equities as their prices strongly reflect future expectations.​
  • Authorized Participant Concentration Risk: Only an authorized participant (“Authorized Participant”) may engage in creation or redemption transactions directly with the Fund. The Fund has a limited number of institutions that act as Authorized Participants, none of which are or will be obligated to engage in creation or redemption transactions. To the extent that these institutions exit the business or are unable to proceed with creation and/or redemption orders with respect to the Fund and no other Authorized Participant is able to step forward to create or redeem Creation Units, Fund shares may trade at a discount to NAV and possibly face trading halts and/or delisting. The Fund’s novel structure may affect the number of entities willing to act as Authorized Participants, and this risk may be exacerbated during times of market stress.
  • Proxy Portfolio Structure Risk: Unlike traditional ETFs that provide daily disclosure of their portfolio holdings, the Fund does not disclose the daily holdings of the Actual Portfolio. Instead, the Fund discloses a Proxy Portfolio that is designed to reflect the economic exposure and risk characteristics of the Fund’s Actual Portfolio on any given trading day. Although the Proxy Portfolio and Proxy Portfolio Disclosures are intended to provide Authorized Participants and other market participants with enough information to allow them to engage in effective arbitrage transactions that will keep the market price of the Fund’s shares trading at or close to the underlying NAV per share of the Fund, while at the same time enabling them to establish cost-effective hedging strategies to reduce risk, there is a risk that market prices will vary significantly from the underlying NAV of the Fund.
  • Predatory Trading Practices Risk: Although the Fund seeks to benefit from keeping its portfolio holdings information secret, market participants may attempt to use the Proxy Portfolio and related Proxy Portfolio Disclosures to identify the Fund’s holdings and trading strategy. If successful, this could result in such market participants engaging in predatory trading practices that could harm the Fund and its shareholders.
  • Trading Issues Risk: Trading in Fund shares on the NYSE Arca may be halted in certain circumstances. If 10% or more of the Fund’s Actual Portfolio does not have readily available market quotations, the Fund will promptly request that the NYSE Arca halt trading in the Fund’s shares. Such trading halts may have a greater impact on the Fund compared to other ETFs due to its lack of transparency.
  • Premium/Discount Risk: The market value of the Fund’s shares will fluctuate, in some cases materially, in response to changes in the Fund’s NAV, the intraday value of the Fund’s holdings, and the relative supply and demand for the Fund’s shares on the exchange. There is a risk (which may increase during periods of market disruption or volatility) that market prices for Fund shares will vary significantly from the Fund’s NAV. This risk may be greater for the Fund than for traditional ETFs that disclose their full portfolio holdings on a daily basis because the publication of the Proxy Portfolio does not provide the same level of transparency as the publication of the full portfolio by a fully transparent active ETF.

There is no guarantee that the investment objective will be realized or that the strategy will generate positive or excess returns. Diversification does not ensure a profit or guarantee against a loss. Any investment that has the possibility for profits also has the possibility of losses.

Before investing, consider the fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. You may obtain a prospectus or a summary prospectus containing this and other information. Read it carefully.

Natixis Distribution, LLC (member FINRA|SIPC) and Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P. are affiliated.

ALPS Distributors, Inc. is the distributor of the Natixis Loomis Sayles Focused Growth ETF. Natixis Distribution, LLC is a marketing agent. ALPS Distributors, Inc. is not affiliated with Natixis Distribution, LLC.

1 This arrangement is set to expire on 4/30/26. When an expense limit has not been exceeded, the fund may have similar expense ratios and/or yields. Net Expense Ratio refers to the limitation on expenses exclusive of brokerage expenses, interest expense, taxes, acquired fund fees and expenses, organizational and extraordinary expenses, such as litigation and information expenses and will expire as indicated.


Year-to-Date Performance as of 9/17/2024
  At-Market ValueNet Asset Value
23.26% 23.26%
Month-End Performance as of 8/31/2024
Cumulative Total Return At-Market ValueNet Asset Value
3 Months 7.85%7.96%
Year-To-Date 21.34%21.34%
Average Annualized Total Return At-Market ValueNet Asset Value
1 Year 29.59%29.59%
Since Inception 30.13%30.13%
Quarter-End Performance as of 6/30/2024
Cumulative Total Return At-Market ValueNet Asset Value
3 Months 5.99%5.96%
Year-To-Date 20.95%20.95%
Average Annualized Total Return At-Market ValueNet Asset Value
1 Year 34.12%34.07%
Since Inception 35.61%35.61%

Performance data shown represents past performance and is no guarantee of, and not necessarily indicative of, future results. Total return and value will vary and you may have a gain or loss when shares are sold. Current performance may be lower or higher than quoted. Returns include changes in share price and reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, if any.

Market returns are based upon the midpoint of the bid/ask spread at 4:00 p.m. Eastern time, when the NAV is normally calculated for most ETFs. Your returns may differ if you traded shares at other times. ​